Thursday, July 26, 2012

How school is like a prison.................

         School is like a prison in many ways.  First of all, it keeps you locked in for at least 7 hours.  Also, you're trapped in the boring classes, learning things every second.  In addition, you have fun jail mates, just like in prison.  The food isn't always great.  That's how a school is like a prison. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

     Once, there was a little girl named Redd * Riding hood.  She was an insolent child and very churlish.  Her mother sent her to many different manner schools to try to make her repent the horrible deeds she had done, but they never worked.  Redd was out of control.  She became so hateful that she burned down her entire village and set out to conquer the world..................

   Thunk....thunk!  The headless bodies were littered all across the valley.  "Hahhaaha!" Redd laughed, her teeth glinting in the moonlight.  The valley was so silent that you could even hear a pin drop.  Redd looked up with glazed eyes and cackled.  "I'm coming to get you world!  Mwah HA HA!" she shrieked.

YEARS LATER........... 

        The world was empty, devoid of any life at all.  Had Redd really conquered the world??!!

To be continued.....................

* This is the correct spelling of her name in my story......

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

                     I feel that summer is almost over already.  Before long, I'll be going on vacation an than back to school....  I wonder why summer vacation couldn't be any longer.  I feel exhausted..
Dear Demarest Police Department,
        Thank you for being there for us every time we needed you.  Many accidents have been prevented because of you.  You keep our town safe and our people safe.  We are thankful for your help to us.  For example, when random strangers started approaching children you warned us to be careful.  Also, the D.A.R.E. program made us aware of the bad things drugs and alcohol can do.  Thank you for everything!

Monday, July 23, 2012


       As their ship pulled up beside the island, they could clearly see it was inhabited.  People along the golden coast started smiling and waving.  "Welcome, welcome!" everyone yelled to the lucky few people on the ship.  After a long time of going through the immigration process, the were finally here.  America welcomed the immigrants with wide open arms.  The people on the ship smiled and waved.  They were looking forward to their future in America!  

Friday, July 20, 2012


        If there was a potion that made everyone think how I thought and everyone drank it, the whole world would be awfully smart.  I say this because I think logically and I am  student of conscience.  I listen to everyones' thoughts and then judge.  Also, I am a great student.  There would also be a bad part to this because I am very biased so everyone would be turned against this one person.   If  everyone thought like me it would be a disaster for some popular stars.  That's what would happen if everyone thought like me!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


           Cellphones are used worldwide so I think it would be reasonable to have a set of rules for them.  I think cellphone should be turned off in anyplace that you have other entertainment.  Someone talking or texting on a cellphone really annoys me while I'm watching something else.  Also, I think we should put some annoying abbreviations in words, because it can really irritate you when you don't understand what someone else is saying.  Also, you have to ask them what it means which gives the image of you being "not up to date in technology."  That's all I would do for the rules.  I think everything else is fine!