Thursday, July 26, 2012

How school is like a prison.................

         School is like a prison in many ways.  First of all, it keeps you locked in for at least 7 hours.  Also, you're trapped in the boring classes, learning things every second.  In addition, you have fun jail mates, just like in prison.  The food isn't always great.  That's how a school is like a prison. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

     Once, there was a little girl named Redd * Riding hood.  She was an insolent child and very churlish.  Her mother sent her to many different manner schools to try to make her repent the horrible deeds she had done, but they never worked.  Redd was out of control.  She became so hateful that she burned down her entire village and set out to conquer the world..................

   Thunk....thunk!  The headless bodies were littered all across the valley.  "Hahhaaha!" Redd laughed, her teeth glinting in the moonlight.  The valley was so silent that you could even hear a pin drop.  Redd looked up with glazed eyes and cackled.  "I'm coming to get you world!  Mwah HA HA!" she shrieked.

YEARS LATER........... 

        The world was empty, devoid of any life at all.  Had Redd really conquered the world??!!

To be continued.....................

* This is the correct spelling of her name in my story......

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

                     I feel that summer is almost over already.  Before long, I'll be going on vacation an than back to school....  I wonder why summer vacation couldn't be any longer.  I feel exhausted..
Dear Demarest Police Department,
        Thank you for being there for us every time we needed you.  Many accidents have been prevented because of you.  You keep our town safe and our people safe.  We are thankful for your help to us.  For example, when random strangers started approaching children you warned us to be careful.  Also, the D.A.R.E. program made us aware of the bad things drugs and alcohol can do.  Thank you for everything!

Monday, July 23, 2012


       As their ship pulled up beside the island, they could clearly see it was inhabited.  People along the golden coast started smiling and waving.  "Welcome, welcome!" everyone yelled to the lucky few people on the ship.  After a long time of going through the immigration process, the were finally here.  America welcomed the immigrants with wide open arms.  The people on the ship smiled and waved.  They were looking forward to their future in America!  

Friday, July 20, 2012


        If there was a potion that made everyone think how I thought and everyone drank it, the whole world would be awfully smart.  I say this because I think logically and I am  student of conscience.  I listen to everyones' thoughts and then judge.  Also, I am a great student.  There would also be a bad part to this because I am very biased so everyone would be turned against this one person.   If  everyone thought like me it would be a disaster for some popular stars.  That's what would happen if everyone thought like me!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


           Cellphones are used worldwide so I think it would be reasonable to have a set of rules for them.  I think cellphone should be turned off in anyplace that you have other entertainment.  Someone talking or texting on a cellphone really annoys me while I'm watching something else.  Also, I think we should put some annoying abbreviations in words, because it can really irritate you when you don't understand what someone else is saying.  Also, you have to ask them what it means which gives the image of you being "not up to date in technology."  That's all I would do for the rules.  I think everything else is fine!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


              If I had to stay in the library, zoo, or museum for the rest of my life, my first choice would be a zoo.  A zoo has interesting animals to look at and it has food.  The zoo vendors sell food everywhere, so I won't starve.  The library would be my second choice because its full of good books to read.  The only  thing it doesn't have is food so that's why I picked the zoo.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


               If I had one superpower, it would be to be invisible when I wanted to be.  This way, I would be able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.  Also, if I was in a situation which I didn't want to be in, I could just escape.  If I wanted some time to be alone, well who could say no?

Imaginary Report Card

            If I had an imaginary report card that was full of A+'s, these five subjects would be on it.  The first one would be reading manga because I love those kinds of stories.  The second thing I would excel in is going on vacations.  I love going to places all around the world and finding new cultures.
My third best class would be animals because I love animals and hope to learn more about them from animal scientists.  I would also pass technology class, because I am very enthusiastic when something involves using newer products.  The last class I would pass is commanding people because I love being bossy.  However, I still get A+'s even though these classes aren't on my agenda!    

Monday, July 16, 2012

If I had a million dollars

If I  had a million dollars, I would start by investing it into stocks to gain more money.  I would sell the stocks when the prices were higher and the economy was better.  Then, I would start an oil company.  We would dig oil out of the ocean floor and purify it for use.  Then, we would sell the oil.  we would turn into this big oil company and sell lots of oil.  I would get more money.  After I determined that I was stable enough to spend money, I would buy the newest ipad, Lamborghinis, houses for my relatives, friends, and me.  I would buy expensive furniture and go to parties, but at the same time manage my business.  That's how I would create a good life out of my million dollars.   


Alphabetical Advice

Advise others 
Be helpful
Care for your friends
Do what's right
Eat healthy
Find good friends
Go excercise
Homework must be done
Improve your work
Jump ahead of the game
Keep it simple
Listen to your peers
Make goals
No quitting
On time
Q uestion yorse
Take challenges
Use your time wisely
Vaccume the carpet
Write about your feelings
X-ray broken bones
Y earn for learning new things
Zero in on your goals

Friday, July 13, 2012

My own business

        If I had my own business, it would be  a recording company.  I would have a recording company because many people of today want their voice to be heard and be known worldwide.  My company would help people make their mark on this world, let their dreams come true.  My workers would interview different candidates and choose a select few of them to make their wishes come true.  Then we would help them create their album and act as starting agents for them.  We would arrange the beginning shows and sell off their records.  My business would help people achieve their goal! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

If I had three wishes.....

           If I had three wishes I would wish for a lot of happiness, money, and good health.  I would wish for happiness because even if you have everything you want but are not happy, everything will be worthless.  Money would ensure that I have everything I have always wanted and won't starve.  Good health would help me be happy and live a long life.  That's why  if I had three wishes it would be for happiness, money, and good health. 

If I had unlimited plane tickets.............

                If I had unlimited plane tickets for a month, I would fly all around the world.  I would visit the seven wonders and enjoy myself at different parts of Earth.  First, I would go to visit my friends.  I would fly over to Chicago, China, and Europe.  Then, I would gather all my best friends and go on the all around the world adventure together.  I would visit the less fortunate in Africa, see the Eiffel Tower, climb the Great Wall of China, and do much more.  While I'm doing this, I'll write a journal to keep track of what I'm doing and share the experience.  Flying around the world with unlimited plane tickets would be a fantastic experience to learn and to have a great time! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

          This day wasn't my best day by far.  First thing in the morning, I tumbled out of bed and hit my head against the floor.  I was stuck with a black and blue bruise on my forehead.  In school I nearly fell asleep in class and had detention because the class was too noisy.  Later, I went to my after school.  The classes were extremely hard and they gave a lot of homework due on the very next day.  I had to stay there for a full three hours.  When, I got home,  I had tons of homework to do, from both my after school and my regular school.  I finished it all at three in the morning.  Suddenly, the phone rang......
          "April Fools!" the voice giggled.  I regretted staying up late and doing all the homework.  "BUT, the voice continued, "IF you did do the homework, you will receive a million dollars and a vacation to Paris!  Hand it in to your teacher!"  I nearly shrieked with joy.  A million dollars and a vacation to Paris here I come! 

Famous Parents

           If I could have two famous parents I would want to have Stephanie Kwolek and Bill Gates.  Bill Gates has the power and knowledge of technology.   Stephanie Kwolek created Kevlar and it is used for many things such as skis, safety helmets, hiking and camping gear, and suspension bridge cables.  With Kevlar, the world is much safer and has a stronger environment.  With these two people as my parents, I could learn more about different subjects and follow in their footsteps. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


        My friend, Lilly rang the doorbell early in the morning.  Ding, Ding , ding the doorbell rang.  I dragged myself out of bed and wearily opened the door.  My friend in a complete camouflage suit bombarded me with word.  "C'mon, pack your things we need to GO!!!!"  she said urgently.  "WHUU...," I answered still half asleep.  My friend dragged me into the house and bundled my clothes and necessities in a backpack and shouldered a sleeping bag on top.  "Let's go go go!" she said and pushed me out the door. 
       Because I just woke up and I was running in the hazy fog, I couldn't really think clearly.  However, once I did think clearly, I had a dozen questions in my head.  Where am I?  Why are we here?  Where's my family?   Why are we running?????  I thought with growing concern and confusion.  I pulled to a stop like a stubborn donkey and demanded to know where I was going and why.  My friend urged me to keep running and explained it while we ran.  "So... we America is (huff)...was atta..cked by(huff) aliens....No one safe(huff)," she explained.  "Aliens?"  I asked giving her a skeptical look.  "Yes," she answered, "Trillions of them from Mars.  Look like humans...but are not.....Mostly adults.... I have to try to help save humankind.."   I gave her a concerned look as she fell to the ground.  A lone figure stepped out of the woods and before I could scream he had a gun pointed at my friend.
         My mouth froze from shock.  "THa thump THa thump,"  went my heart as fast as light itself.  My hands felt clammy and desperately grasped at thin air.  "Whu??"  I managed to squeak out.  The intruder was a boy about 19 with a  punk haircut and that ruthless look that made you want to cower in fear.  I flinched as the gun swiveled around to face me.  My friend pretended to still be sleeping but I could practically see the gears in her head turning.  She swept her feet at the boy and he fell hard.  I jumped out of my trance and wrestled for the gun.  The boy gave a thin piercing whistle and suddenly they were upon us.  I punched randomly and succumbed.  The last thing I remembered was complete darkness.
      Epilogue:  The martians grinned sickly to one another.  "Chop Chop," one said maiming three hundred people with the flick of a finger.  The other erupted with laughter.  "Next stop Venus!" it cackled, "We'll soon have the WHOLE GALAXY!!!"  
            The principal plastered a fake smile on his face.  "Welcome everyone!" he bellowed, his loud voice echoing in the auditorium, " We will have a foreign student from Europe transferring next week.  Be nice to him, okay????"  The girl with the pink ribbon rolled her eyes as the other students started talking all at once.  " And you there," the principal said pointing at the girl with a smirk, "You're going to be the one who escorts him around!"  The hall erupted with peals of laughter while the girl turned red.
            "Ugh, WHY does the principal have to pick me out of all the people!?" the girl in the pink ribbon said.  "Angela, you are the sole enemy of the principal, why else???"  her best friend Alec exclaimed, " Besides, the new student might be nice!"  Angela sneered at her smart friend and angrily opened her lunchbox.  "Yeah right " she thought with fury" When does ANGELA get good jobs?"  The janitor walked by and accidentally-on-purpose dropped a bucket of dirty water all over her.  The whole cafeteria shrieked with laughter.  Angela stormed out of there with a vengeful look on her face.   The principal was going to get revenge. 
        At the nurses office, it was filled with antique items.  The nurse took a leaf of paper and started typing on the typewriter.  The keys went  clikety-clack and before long she was done.  After that, she used the hole puncher and copied it onto the carbon paper.  The copy she put into her filing cabinet and gathered it together with  paperclips.  "This is the 50th time I have to call your mother, and she isn't going to be happy," the nurse announced.
         Her mother arrived twenty minutes later with some spare clothes swinging from her arm.  She scolded for a while and stomped back to her car.  By the time she had left, Angela was stuck with a headache.  The nurse gave her a late class card which allowed her to go back to class and she did.

The next WEEK

        Angela was soaked again!  Luckily, her mother had deposited clothes because this happened very often.  She was walking toward the nurse's office when she heard a deep voice say, "May I have your blood sample? "  The nurse, sounding very dazed answered," Suuurrre."  Angela stopped.  Something was very wrong in there but what?

To be continued.................................... 

Fictional Character Friend

           If I could have any fictional character as my friend I would have Arthur Penhaligon.  He is a character that stars in the Keys to the Kingdom series and has to get all the keys.  At first he is a weak mortal but becomes more powerful with the keys.
          I would want Arthur because he is a  unique character.  He likes adventure and is very authoritative about what he does and has a lot of helpful people at his side.  Also, he helps people in need in the kingdoms.
         IF I spent a day with Arthur, we would probably go on another adventure.  We could seek another vengeful key keeper or wrongdoer.  Or, we could spend the day relaxing because Arthur has all the keys and doesn't need to do anything anymore.  It would be nice to have a change of scenery for a while.
         That's why I would want Arthur to be my best friend.  He has all the characteristics a friend needs and has a lot of powers.  My day would be much better with Arthur as my friend.  With Arthur nothing could ever go wrong!   

Monday, July 9, 2012

Helpful inventions

       There are four inventions you can choose from : an aids vaccine, iron man suit, a driverless car, or an organ printer.  I think the aids vaccine would help us the most.
        An aids vaccine could ensure that the next generation is safe from this harmful cause of death to about 30 million people a year.  Aids is  an acquired immune deficiency syndrome and the final stage of HIV disease, which can cause severe damage to the immune system. With a vaccine, we could put this harmful syndrome.
        In addition, we could further our knowledge in medicine and science.  This would help everyone understand the world we live in much better and that can lead into more scientific discoveries and helpful vaccines.   With an aids vaccine you could change the world to be a better place than it was before!

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Survive a Boring Class
     There are a lot of ways to survive a boring class.  A boring class isn't boring to everyone.  It's just how you think about makes
it boring.  For example, the teacher may think its absolutely, intriguing but you may be already falling asleep.  Here are a few good tips to survive in a boring class.
       The number one tactic is trying to make it interest you.  Take a boring history class for example.  You might only hear the teacher drone on and on about the explorers, but it would be easier to listen to what the teacher is saying in first person.  Try to imagine yourself in that position.

             Another helpful strategy is making up a catchy phrase or song to go with the lesson.  You can learn about math by singing the terms in your favorite song or  a catchy phrase.
            There are many more little tricks you can use.  Just remember not to fall asleep, doodle, or pass a note.  With these tips, you can make a boring class exciting!!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Topic: You have just found out that everyone else but you is an alien.  Describe your day tomorrow.


                      I stared at all of the people in the room, trying to see through their disguises.  Were they really ALIENS??????  They all seemed like regular people.  However, disguises could be deceiving.  I gazed around, avoiding everyone else's eyes.  My friends gave me confused looks as if they were saying,"What's to look around for?  Everything is normal!" ; but I knew better than to trust them......
                    In class I thought why would aliens come to Earth????  I had seen enough movies to think that they wanted to take over the Earth, but they also might be friendly neighbors to Earth.  Whichever verdict I chose would greatly affect me and the world.  With the weight of the mankind on my shoulders I sat down and pondered on that thought........
            After school was over, I sat down in the dining room, unable to even glance at my family.  THey were aliens, every single person that I thought I could trust.  My solution was to pretend.  It was a cowardly solution, yes I knew, but it was the only one that would work.  No other human existed except for me, so what else could I do?  Pretend, my mind had whispered, and you will SURVIVE!!!!!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cats or Dogs??????

Many people want a pet.  Most likely, they would pick cats or dogs.  THe problem is ... which one?
   Lets start with the cats.  Cats have a better sense of hearing than dogs.  They also only eat meat.  Cats can require a lot more ingredients in their food than dogs.  Also, all of the breeds of cats are smart. 93.6 million people own cats.  THey average from 9-15 yrs for their lifetime.  Also, if you have a cat you are more likely to have a university degree.       
   However, dogs have good points and bad points too.  They have a better sense of smell and they're ominivores.  Some of their breeds are especially smart like cats but others are not as intelligent.  77.5 million people in the U.S. own dogs. People who have dogs are most likely to have lower blood pressure.
    So there you have it: information from both sides.  THe question is : which one are you getting????     

What MAkes ME ANGRY!!!!!!! >:( !!!!!!


            White hot fury flashes in my eyes.  My brain is going haywire fight fight fight!  I feel my fists clench and grit my teeth.  The crazy insane look appears in my eyes.  When I look like this, I am ANGRY!!!!
            Anger always has a cause whether its as small as not sharing or as big as losing a billion dollars.  What makes me angry can be a wide range of things.  It could be fighting with my sister, or not finding my glasses.  It could be my mother shouting at me or a lot of people staring at me.  However,when I  am anngry it always ends in the same way.  I calm down and see clearly.  What's your cause of anger?

swag or smarts

Swag or Smarts?

This is our recent topic for writing class.  Today we went in and he asked....."Would you rather be smart or have swag?"  Then he told us to write a esssay. 
                        I believe that I would want to be smart than have swag.I would want this because I think its much better to know that you are at least a little intelligent than to be overconfident and just think that you're cool.  Smarts can help you in many situations.  Take being kidnapped for an example.  Being smart and counting your time would most likely help you in that situation.  If you had swag and you were overconfident, who knows how you might end up?  You could have chosen to hit the man and could've been killed in the process!
                Also, smarts will help you get past all of your education.  Swag will not help you, only to help you make friends like yourself.  Even if you have a lot of friends, they can't all hold you up forever.  Smarts will lead you through elementary, middle, high school, and college.  Getting in a good college will probably ensure a good job.  Later, you'll be set for life!
That's why I think i would rather have smarts than swag.  Smarts will help you achieve what you want in the end.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Today was my first day at the new camp. I felt  extremely tired this morning and dragged myself out of bed.  It was really hot and I got sweaty.......  Jill was fine and chatted with some new friends.  Right now, I'm in writing class starting my blog.  Sorry Jane, but my email wouldn't work so..... :<  Later on in the day, i'm goin 2 learn about businesses and play different sports.  I miss everyone at emi, jane if u see anyone say hi for me, K? 
                                                                                                                                V ;)